2 min readJun 1, 2022


Frontend Development is one of the most in-demand skills in the tech ecosystem. It is the deployment of technical analytics and artistic creativity to create responsive websites users can interact with.

Among many reasons why you should consider a career as a frontend developer, we have highlighted five below:

Leverage Your Creativity

Frontend development is where technology meets creativity. By deploying codes (HTML, JavaScript (JS) and/or CCS) you get to bring a site’s design to life.

You basically turn your client’s project vision into a functioning website that users can interact with.

These Computer languages give you the avenue to express your creativity in incredible ways.

Learning Is Easier Than You Thought

You don’t need to have a deep technical background before you learn the skill. All you need is a laptop and a heart full of desires to learn. With diligent devotion to studies, you can master the skill in no time.

Job Opportunities

Post Covid19 realities means most businesses all over the world are moving online. As a Frontend Developer, this means you will have the liberty to choose which company you want to work with and the kind of work to engage in.

If you’re on top of your game, you won’t ever have to queue for a job.

You Can Work Remotely

Unlike we had in the bygone era, today you can work from the comfort of your home with top companies all over the world.

The sky is no longer your limit, with a skill like Frontend Development, you are limitless.

The Pay Is Juicy

Lucrativeness is the last thing for you to worry about. Report shows that the starting salary for Front End Developer / Engineer is between ₦174k and ₦204k.

The maximum monthly income ranges between ₦4.2million and ₦4.8million.

Make a switch in your career today and join the generation of people building the future.

If you need help making that switch, do well to contact us.

#tech #frontend #frontenddev #techindustry




Univelcity is a tech academy designed to accelerate the growth of tech talent in Africa (A = V/T) by offering accelerated and immersive courses.